
Wannabe dictator leader plays political games for his own personal gain

So in those roles, as prosecutor, I took on perpetrators of all kinds.
Predators who abuse women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own game.

As prosecutor, I held the big banks accountable for fraud.
Well, Trash was just found guilty of fraud.

Trash likes three things, don't ever forget this.
He likes money, he likes attention, and he likes his freedom not to go to jail where he has been found guilty in hush money trial.
He is a convicted felon.
He is a big baby, which is why he pretends he has all that masculinity and all that bullying, tough man intimidation, all the stupid stuff that small penis people have.

The most disgusting attack on the veteran community yet during this press conference.
Trash dismissed medal of honor recipients as quote dead or in bad shape, saying that the medal of freedom that he gave billionaire donor is quote actually much better than the medal of honor because she is a quote healthy and beautiful unlike the veterans who were quote dead or in bad shape.
That soldier, they're either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead.

Another disgusting thing, Trash has said.
This man is scum.
He has never truly honored vets from his heart, he plays a political game of using them as props for his own personal gain.
It's sad his con job is good enough to fool so many.

Anti-toxic people. Honestly, this is just so deranged and sick, even for him. He is just a psychopath.

F*** this guy.
He says the presidential medal of freedom, he gave to one of his billionaire donors is better than the Medal of Honor, which is the highest military award, given for heroism in battle, often posthumously.

Trash has always attacked veterans. He called them suckers and losers. He's attacked all of the military generals who have worked for him. He's called them dumb. He's called them stupid. He's called for the execution of the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.

Dictator: He is not a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, okay. I hate to tell you, do you agree with that.

Trash called military veterans suckers and losers.
Trash then said that the two-decade general who served our country bravely and courageously is the dumbest of them all.

Trash: By far the dumbest of my military people. He was incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn't stand the guy, so I fired him like an animal. He's already on recording defending me all over the place.

Trash: The general who led perhaps the most embarrassing moment in country history with his grossly incompetent implementation of the withdrawal from the enemy country, costing many lives, leaving behind hundreds of country citizens, and handling over billions of dollars of the military equipment ever made. This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!. A war between United States and other enemy country could have been the result of this treasonous act.

Trash: I had a couple of guys like this general. What a stupid person. He is stupid. He said to me, it's cheaper to leave the military equipment than it is to take it.

Trash: General is the one that decided to take the soldiers out first okay. General is the one that said, let's leave $85 billion worth of military equipment behind because it's cheaper than taking it out. It's cheaper than putting a tank in the airplane and flying it all the way home. It's cheaper to leave it there. We left them, planes, helicopters.

Trash: The war dead are suckers and losers.
You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

Trash: I didn't serve. I haven't served. I had a foot thing and I get the military deferment.

Mr. Trash said, you think I'm stupid. I'm not going to the war.

Trash: He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, okay.

Trash: I know more about ISIS than the generals do.

Russia offered to pay other enemy to kill country troops.
Trash was told about this and he has done nothing.

Trash: Why should I go to that service members cemetery? It's filled with losers.
Trash's visit to service member buried was scrubbed because the president feared the rain would ruin his hair.

We keep people accountable for the way they treat our veterans.
If they don't treat them well, we say sorry, you're fired, get out.

VV, vote veterans.
Vote out, Trash.
Truth is golden.

It's a tragic situation to read this kind of well-resourced, incredible accounting on what was going on, of which by the way, I was aware of at the time.
We had 60,000 killed and wounded protecting the country people following 9/11, wars, special operation missions around the world.
It was a giant loss.
The armed forces were totally committed to include the National Garden Reserves and so to have a president, first of all, an ignorant man of the first order, a lawless man who paid, was unaware of the Constitution, thought he could do anything, he basically wanted to.
At the time, I was reporting on this network that when Trash put a gang of his blind followers into the Department of Defense.
I said this guy is setting up a coup against the country.
That's what you'd have to conclude if it was a third world country.
So, we were vulnerable to having a president in office with immense authority who was truly lacked any character.

He is a shameful person unsuitable for public office. His comments are those of a stooge for Russian aggression.

Putin has every interest in hurting us. So Trash’s imagination that he through sheer force force of personality can make him, his friend or negotiate a better deal, just doesn't line up with the facts Putin is very invested in bringing us down.

It is a team effort in getting rid of Trash once and for all.

We are pro-peace through strength.
We don't welcome Trash because we refuse to accept his election lies and calls for authoritarianism.
Stop Trash. Vote Brat.

He is a snake oil salesman.
Conning students for the top management gain.
Former students allege the university was a fraud.
Persistently illegal conduct even at the charity or religious events.
As millions suffer from the coronavirus.
People of this country now leading the world in deaths.
He don't take responsibility at all.
He wants to terminate healthcare.
Shut up, woman.
There has to be some forms of punishments for the abortion and the women.
He appointed three corrupted judges that banned women reproductive freedom.

To a country, we don't take an oath to a tribe.
We don't take an oath to a religion.
We don't take an oath to a king or a queen or a tyrant or a dictator and we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator.
We don't take an oath to an individual.
We take an oath to the constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is country and we're willing to die to protect it.
Every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardian, and coast guardsman, each of us commits our very life, to protect and defend that document regardless of personal price.

Dictator is a traitor, a coward.
When 58,000 soldiers gave their lives in war, Trash was the spoiled rich kid who faked a foot thing to had military deferment.  
Trash called veterans suckers and losers.
He mocked Prisoners Of War (POW).
He mocked war heroes.
Trash, a coward, a criminal.
Stand up the people.
Because when we fight, we win.

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