
Software Design Patterns: Adapter pattern using C++


Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets

classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

class Node


    friend void print_list( Node const& head );


    Node* pnext;

    int data;

    // Constructor taking initial value

    Node( int value = 0 );

    // Copy constructor

    Node( Node const& other );

    // Destructor


    // Insert new node in front

    void insert( Node* newNode );

    // Remove node in front:

    void remove_next();

    // Remove other node in front

    bool remove( Node* other );

    // Measure distance to other node

    int distance( Node const* other ) const;

    // Calculate number of nodes in the list

    size_t size() const;


// Constructor taking initial value

Node::Node( int value )

: pnext( nullptr ), data( value )



// Copy constructor

Node::Node( Node const& other )

: pnext( nullptr ), data( )



// Destructor




// Insert new node in front

void Node::insert( Node* newNode )


    newNode->pnext = pnext;

    pnext = newNode;


// Remove node in front

void Node::remove_next()


    if ( pnext == nullptr ) return;

    Node* obsolete = pnext;

    this->pnext = obsolete->pnext;

    // Make node "single"

    obsolete->pnext = nullptr;


// Remove other node in front

bool Node::remove( Node* other )


    Node* previous = this;

    Node* iter = pnext;

    while ( iter != other ) {

       if ( iter == nullptr )

           return false;

       previous = iter;

       iter = iter->pnext;


    previous->pnext = iter->pnext;

    // Make node single after successful removal

    other->pnext = nullptr;

    return true;


// Measure distance to other node

int Node::distance( Node const* other ) const


    int hops = 1;

    Node const* iter = pnext;

    while ( iter != other ) {

       if ( iter == nullptr ) {

           // Don't count this last hop

           return hops - 1;


       iter = iter->pnext;



    return hops;


// Calculate number of nodes in the list

size_t Node::size() const


    return distance( nullptr );


// Print contents of the list

void print_list( Node const& head )


    cout << '[' << head.size() << "] ";

    Node const* iter = &head;

    do {

       cout << iter->data << ' ';

       iter = iter->pnext;

    } while ( iter != nullptr );

    cout << '\n';


class Stack {

    friend void print_stack( Stack const& st );

    Node head;


    // Constructor


    // Destructor


    // Push new element to the stack

    void push( int value );

    // Pop element from the stack

    void pop();

    // Writeable access to element on top of the stack

    int& top();

    // Read-only access to element on top of the stack

    int top() const;

    // Return stack size

    size_t size() const;

    // Return true if stack is empty

    bool empty() const;


// Constructor




// Destructor needs to deallocate dynamically allocated nodes



    // Remove all dynamic nodes from the list

    Node* iter = head.pnext;

    while ( iter != nullptr ) {

        Node* obsolete = iter;

        iter = iter->pnext;

        delete obsolete; // remove node from memory



// Push new element to the stack

void Stack::push( int value )


    head.insert( new Node( value ) );


// Pop element from the stack

void Stack::pop()


    assert( !empty() );

    Node* obsolete = head.pnext;


    delete obsolete;


// Writeable access to element on top of the stack

int& Stack::top()


    return head.pnext->data;


// Read-only access to element on top of the stack

int Stack::top() const


    return head.pnext->data;


// Return stack size

size_t Stack::size() const


    // minus one accounts for the head node

    return head.size() - 1;


// Return true if stack is empty

bool Stack::empty() const


    return head.size() == 1;


// Print contents of the stack

void print_stack( Stack const& st )


    if ( st.empty() ) {

       cout << "[0] (stack is empty)\n";

    } else {

        print_list( *st.head.pnext );



int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    Stack st;

    print_stack( st );

    st.push( 10 );

    assert( st.size() == 1 );

    assert( == 10 ); = 15; // assign top by other value

    assert( == 15 );

    st.push( 20 );

    assert( st.size() == 2 );

    assert( == 20 );

    print_stack( st );


    assert( st.size() == 1 );

    assert( == 15 );

    print_stack( st );

    return 0;


Sample run:

[0] (stack is empty)

[2] 20 15

[1] 15

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