
LaTeX: Draw Yin Yang using TikZ package

Download and install Basic MiKTeX 64-bit Installer from

Start Menu > MiKTeX > TeXworks

Name and save the empty new file as texworks_yinyang.tex

Write code below:


\begin{figure}[H] %Here placement specifier

\draw[black,ultra thick] (0,0) ellipse (6cm and 6cm); %outer circle

\fill[black] (0,0) (0,-6) arc (270:450:6cm); % right big black filled semicircle, center point, start point
\filldraw[fill=white,draw=black,ultra thick] (0,3) (0,0) arc (270:450:3cm); %right small white filled semicircle
\fill[black] (0,3) ellipse (1cm and 1cm); %upper black filled circle

\filldraw[fill=black,draw=black,,ultra thick] (0,-3) (0,0) arc (90:270:3cm); %left small black filled semicircle
\fill[white] (0,-3) ellipse (1cm and 1cm); %lower white filled circle



Toolbar >  Typeset of play icon
Hit Ctrl+T to execute and typeset the LaTeX code


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