
Java Database Programming Visually using NetBeans

Java DB (Derby) Database Tutorial using NetBeans IDE, Create Database Table Visually, Write Code to View Table Data

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Download and install NetBeans IDE 7 from

Open NetBeans IDE

Go to the Projects window. Tab on Services

Expand the Databases tree node

Right-click on Java DB and select Start Server

Right-click on Java DB and select Create Database. Key-in the following text:
Database Name: db1
User Name: db1username
Password: db1password
Confirm Password: db1password
Database Location: C:\Users\yourname\.netbeans-derby
Click OK button

Right-click on jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db1 [db1username on DB1USERNAME]
and select Properties. You will see the following information:
Database URL: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db1
Driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
User: db1username
Click Close button to close the database Properties window

Right-click on jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db1 and select Connect

Expand the “jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db1” tree node

Expand the DB1USERNAME tree node

Right-click on Tables and select Create Table. Key-in the following information using the Create Table Dialog:
Table name: customer
Add the following columns to the customer table:
customer_id, type: INTEGER, contraints: Primary key & Unique & Index
customer_name, type: VARCHAR, size: 1000, contraints: Null
customer_home_address, type: VARCHAR, size: 1000, contraints: Null
customer_mobile_phone_number, type: VARCHAR, size: 1000, contraints: Null
customer_email_address, type: VARCHAR, size: 1000, contraints: Null
Click OK button to close Create Table window

Expand the Tables tree node

Right-click on CUSTOMER tree node, select “View Data” to add table data using the SQL editor

Go to the CUSTOMER table middle window toolbar, click on “Insert Record(s) (Alt+I)” icon
Insert the following Customer table data:
customer_id, customer_name, customer_home_address, customer_mobile_phone_number, customer_email_address
1, name1, address1, mpnum1, email1
2, name2, address2, mpnum2, email2
3, name3, address3, mpnum3, email3
Click OK button to close Insert Record(s) window

Create a Java Application project. Name the project as prjJavaDBDerby1

Create a Java package. Name the package as test. Create a new Java Class under test package. Name the Java Class as

The code for the file content is as follows:
package test;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class ReadDbTableData {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

        try {
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db1", "db1username", "db1password");
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM db1username.customer");

            while ( {
                int customer_id = rs.getInt("customer_id");
                String customer_name = rs.getString("customer_name");
                String customer_home_address = rs.getString("customer_home_address");
                String customer_mobile_phone_number = rs.getString("customer_mobile_phone_number");
                String customer_email_address = rs.getString("customer_email_address");
                System.out.println(customer_id + ", " +
                                  customer_name + ", " +
                                  customer_home_address + ", " +
                                  customer_mobile_phone_number + ", " +
        } catch (SQLException e) {


Right-click on the project, select Properties.
On the left window, select Libraries.
Click on “Add Library…” button.
Select “Java DB Driver” library. Click on Add Library button to add this JAR library.
Click OK to close Project Properties window

Right-click on the file window and select Run File

You should be getting the following output:
1, name1, address1, mpnum1, email1
2, name2, address2, mpnum2, email2
3, name3, address3, mpnum3, email3
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

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