
C++ XML with Xerces in Windows 7 Operating System

Use Visual C++ 2008 and Xerces-c v2.8.0

=> Download [] from

=> Extract to [D:\xerces-c-2.8.0-vc-8.0]

=> Add [D:\xerces-c-2.8.0-vc-8.0\bin;] to Windows OS System Path

=> Create New Project from Visual C++ 2008
Menubar | File | New | Project... | Visual C++ | General | Empty Project

=> Right click project from Solution Explorer Window and select Properties

=> Add include path
Config Properties | C/C++ | General
Additional Include Directories = "D:\xerces-c-2.8.0-vc-8.0\include"

=> Add library path
Config Properties | Linker | General
Additional Library Directories = "D:\xerces-c-2.8.0-vc-8.0\lib"

=> Add [xerces-c_2.lib] library file to the project
Config Properties | Linker | Input
Additional Dependencies = xerces-c_2.lib  // without double quotes

=> Add [system("pause");] before [return 0;] statement in your cpp source file

=> Right click project from Solution Explorer to add existing items. For examples: item.h, item.cpp, product.h, product.cpp, parser.cpp, items.xml

=> F5 to start debugging

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