
FuzzyCLIPS: Certainty Factor example

Enter the following code statement-by-statement in the FuzzyCLIPS's Dialog Window:

FuzzyCLIPS> (defrule organism-is-streptococcus
(declare (CF 0.7))
(stain positive)
(morphology coccus)
(growth chains)
(assert (organism streptococcus))

FuzzyCLIPS> (assert (stain positive) CF 0.5)
FuzzyCLIPS> (assert (morphology coccus) CF 0.6)
FuzzyCLIPS> (assert (growth chains) CF 0.3)

FuzzyCLIPS> (run)
FuzzyCLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (stain positive) CF 0.50
f-1     (morphology coccus) CF 0.60
f-2     (growth chains) CF 0.30
f-3     (organism streptococcus) CF 0.21
For a total of 4 facts.

The certainty factor of the conclusion using hand calculations
= min(0,5,0.6,0.3) * 0.7
= 0.3 * 0.7 = 0.21

FuzzyCLIPS: How to change the program icon

Download the FuzzyCLIPS icon below to your computer and rename it to "fzclipswin.ico" with .ico file extension name. Copy this file to C:\Windows\System32\fzclipswin.ico.

Right-click on the fzclipwin.exe at C:\FuzzyCLIPS\pc-prjct\VC++\fzClips\fzclipswin\Release\fzclipswin.exe, select "Send to | Desktop (create shortcut)"

Right-click the fzclipwin shortcut on the desktop, select Properties.
Tab on the Shortcut.
Click on the button "Change Icon".
Browse to "C:\Windows\System32\fzclipswin.ico" and click the button OK.

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